The project I’m Going In level one complete Guide 10
Level 1 (Trainyard)
IGI is a single-player game, wherein at the first level(Trainyard) you will understand the basics(step-by-step move to complete the level) and if you play it again then you can memorize your childhood memories. let’s start level one.
Now you are playing the role of “David Jones” a highly trained agent who is going to collect information and hide yourself from cameras and guards. but the main thing is to make a proper plan by which you will go through the high security and get your aim without being spotted.
How to play IGI Level One
First of all, you will be dropped from a helicopter to the back side of a building, from where you will find a ladder to climb
Then you will find another ladder to go down to a room, from where you will find a gun, and when you open the door, there are two guards, kill them. GO in the computer’s room and offline the cameras.
After shutting down the cameras you have to go outside and on the left side, there is a watch tower, climb up and pick up the gun from the guard, and from that tower use the gun zoom it, and kill all the guards.
Go to the next tower by the rope.
Climb down by the ladder, use the gun to eliminate the enemies, and shoot the cameras if they are online again, there is a block, go over it and a gate to open, open it, and face some enemies. After opening the gate you will find a button on a wall, press it and on the right side there is a truck, go near it. Thus, your first mission is completed.
You can download this from the link below for free
Project-IGI(I’m Going In) one & 2, download for all Windows
For more info please visit the link below.
Basic questions to know
How can I save my game progress in Project IGI?
When you complete the mission the game automatically saves the data, but if you want to save the game in the middle of the mission then go on map “M”, select IGI HQ then click on upload data.
What are the cheat codes for unlocking all missions?
Enter these codes during gameplay after typing nada in the main menu.
During the game, type nada into the main menu.
Easy Mode: easy.
God Mode for Player and Team: allgod.
Kill Enemies: ewww.
Unlimited Ammo: allammo.
All Weapons: hutid.
How do I zoom in and shoot with the Dragunov sniper rifle?
Get the sniper rifle, press the Mouse Button you need to zoom in, and use the Mouse scroll to zoom in and out.
What are the names of all the missions in the game?
- Trainyard
- SAM Base
- Military Airbase
- Rader Base
- Get oeriboi
- Border Crossing
- Re-Supply
- Missle Trainyard
How to climb a ladder in IGI?
Push or click the activation button or the second fire button to climb.
How to use the map computer in IGI?
In the main menu go to controls and set the Google map to your own desire, or press “M” or “C” to use the default setting.
Comment below if you want a guide for level 2.